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Can You Teach an Old Dog to Play Golf?
By: David Goslin and Mary Beth McGirr

We’ve all heard the old adage, “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks,” but the question begs, “can you learn to play golf after you’ve turned fifty?”

Authors David Goslin and Mary Beth McGirr say “Yes!”

Goslin, a sociologist who began playing golf at the age of sixty-five, partnered with LGPA master teaching pro McGirr, to pen Tee To Green: A Guide to Golf After 50, a straightforward, information-packed guide to learning golf for men and women over fifty.

Tee To Green takes readers beyond the identification of clubs and stance, and provides those looking to take up golf either as part of their lifestyle or as a bimonthly hobby, with helpful photographs illustrating stretching exercises and proper grip and posture. From A to Z, Tee To Green covers everything from choosing a golf instructor, to various games you and your teammates can play, to staying current with golf lingo.

Goslin says there are different challenges and frustrations when acquiring a new set of physical and mental skills after fifty, but, likewise there are tips to help.

Tips such as:
• Forty percent of the total score of a round of golf is made up of putts. Putting, therefore, is the over-fifty golfer’s secret weapon because you can become as great a putter as players half your age.
• Play your round in three parts. To lend yourself psychological balance, divide eighteen holes into three six-hole games; nine holes into three three-hole games. That way, if you don’t do as well on one mini-game, you have a chance to do well on another.
• Set attainable goals when you start learning the game.
• Smooth the curve by keeping statistics. Keeping track, over time, of how you are doing in the different parts of your game helps to put your daily ups and downs in perspective.
• Learn a few golf jokes.

Tee To Green: A Guide to Golf After 50 will help golfers set and achieve reasonable goals and gain the knowledge and skills to become at ease on any golf course as quickly as possible.

Tee To Green: A Guide to Golf After 50 is available at brick and mortar bookstores, online bookstores, or from the publisher at or 800-497-4909.

