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Ops Populi Inception
By: Mike Lieber

"Inception", Ops Populi Aims to Break the Iron Grip of the Elite on the USA

America’s future begins now, with Ops Populi, the secretive organization headed by billionaire philanthropist, Martin Lochridge, ready to launch a massive public relations blitz. Their plan? To generate a tidal wave of public momentum for reforming the federal government before it is too late to prevent its total collapse.

 Inspired a decade earlier by political scientist and Army National Guardsman Sean May, Lochridge devotes himself to forming Ops Populi and developing a plan to give the American people the chance to seize control of their country from the increasingly hostile and greedy oligarchy that has the USA’s institutions of power and wealth in its iron grip. Achieving the ideals of the original heroes of the Revolution becomes the all-consuming mission of these new American heroes.

 But the members of Ops Populi are keenly aware they may have only one chance to implement their plan: Resistance from the established elite at home and powerful forces abroad with interest in the United States will undoubtedly be swift and ferocious, so finding the ideal time and optimum conditions to launch their effort is crucial. When Lochridge detects the first signs of an impending worldwide economic catastrophe looming on the horizon, he must convince the others it is time to act – to risk everything in one bold, selfless stroke. And he wants Sean May to play a key role. First, though, he will have to rescue May from a crime ring of ruthless military contractors and government officials who will stop at nothing to get an incriminating computer flash drive May has in his possession.

 Abraham Lincoln once warned, "America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."

 “Inception” is the fast-paced debut of Mike Lieber’s “Ops Populi” series which tell the story of a new generation of American patriots who, rather than fighting the king’s army, must take on their own government and the special interests who have co-opted it. Will “Ops Populi” be able to instill their patriotic fervor in the hearts and minds of their fellow Americans? Can Lincoln’s hope, “that this nation shall have a new birth of freedom; and that this government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth" be fulfilled?

 A work of fiction, “Inception” contains a timely theme and perhaps the only plausible solution to the endemic problems afflicting our national government. Lieber takes a complex subject and weaves it into an entertaining and informative thriller.

 Mike Lieber holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in political science. He is a business owner, husband and father, and previously served in the United States Army, first as an enlisted man, and then as a commissioned officer. Visit

